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Day 30 - Send the fire! Send the Fire!

Writer's picture: Congregational FederationCongregational Federation

I left home in glorious autumnal sunshine, casting long dark shadows. Soothing panpipes playing on the stereo calmed my mood as I enjoyed the “five-mile drive” towards Broadway Tower, where I would soak in the extended views of the Vale of Evesham. But the Vale was covered in mist. My plan was thwarted. So, I drove past the deer, along some country lanes, parked in a quiet spot, and relaxed.

I noticed what resembled a large black wok on iron legs containing burning logs. It would have been easy just to walk by, but I decided to reflect and be mindful of the situation. So I stood downwind with the aroma of smoke, feeling heat on my face and a stinging sensation in my eyes. Hair ruffled by wind and smoke evokes memories of an Ambleside childhood and time in Brecon. Double warm glow from memories, heat and smell. I had forgotten about stinging eyes and ruffled hair. Despite these discomforts, I am a happy man as memories - good memories - bring joy to my soul.

Fire plays such a key role in God’s interactions through history. There is the burning bush in Exodus 3, and Mount Sinai being covered with smoke, because the Lord descended in fire in Exodus 19. In Daniel 3 we hear about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego being in the fire with “another,” and God being described as “a consuming fire, in Isaiah 33.

In the New Testament, John the Baptist states in Luke 3:16, “I will baptise you with water… He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and Fire.” James likens the tongue to an unruly fire in chapter 3:16, “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” We would do well to heed this 3:16 as we do John 3:16.

My favorite scripture on fire is the reaction of the two disciples reflecting on how the Lord opened the scriptures on the road to Damascus in Luke 24:32.

“Back and forth they talked. “Didn’t we feel on fire as he conversed with us on the road, as he opened up the Scriptures for us?” (The Message)

Do you feel “on fire,” as you read the bible and reflect on what God reveals to you? Do you pray for the Holy Spirit to help you interpret and understand what God is saying to you, and what He wants you to do? Do you feel hope for the future as God speaks to you?

I make the same request as the Methodist preacher and founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth, when he wrote, “Send the fire!”


Father, open the scriptures before our eyes, so that we might see and understand the full glory of your Word. May our hearts feel on fire and ready to listen to you through your scriptures. And not only to hear your word but be ready and eager to do your work with hope in our hearts. Send the fire, Lord, send the fire! Amen

Michael Rolton


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