Happy Monday - the beginning of another week
“This is the day the Lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it” - Psalm 118:24
I hope like me you are enjoying the Life Light reflections each day, I hope they are encouraging and challenging and drawing you closer to the presence of God.
On Mondays we focus on mindfulness and our theme this week is justice. I wonder what comes to your mind when you think of the word justice?
I think of the wonderful passage in Micah 6 verse 8 that asks the question? What does God require of us? It’s a huge question, so has a huge answer.
Let’s just pause and ask the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and minds to what God is saying to us today through this one verse. Let’s be mindful of his deep love for us, that he delights in us and longs for us to spend time with him.
Read the verse slowly, read the verse over in different versions, this is what God requires of you, yes you, right here, right now:
To act Justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God NIV
To act Justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God NIV
To do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. NLT
To do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. NLT
Do what is right to other people. Love being kind to others. And live humbly, trusting your God. iCB
Do what is right to other people. Love being kind to others. And live humbly, trusting your God. iCB
I wonder if any particular word or phrase stood out for you? Why do you think that was?
For me it was the word, "And".
Act justly and love mercy and walk with God
We can’t just pick one we have to do all three: be just, forgive and also walk with God, involve him in our lives.
One of my favourite verses at the moment is Galatians 5 v25. It comes at the end of the passage about the fruit of the spirit.
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
It compliments the verse from Micah.
So today as you walk with God, keeping in step with the Spirit, how can you act justly and where might you show mercy?
Father God, I pause to be in your presence, I worship you in this moment. Help me to walk with you today, guide my footsteps so I am in step with your spirit and show me who to love and how to act justly so I shine for you. Amen
Yvonne Campbell