Today I want to encourage you to take a walk and turn it into a prayer walk.
At the moment my mother-in-law, Pauline, is in the new Liverpool hospital. I invite you to join me on my walk back to the car after visiting. (I’d also love to see pictures of your walk and prayers too, so do share)
Firstly let’s pray for the NHS those working in hospitals not just Doctors and Nurses but porters and cleaners, managers and volunteers. We pray they are well equipped, skilled and have empathy for all those they meet and care for.
We pray too for healing for patients in the mighty name of Jesus and peace for those with loved ones unwell.
We pray for emergency services – Ambulance, Police and Fire - we pray protection over them and for them to have integrity in their work.
We pray for all those with disabilities and carers help them with their needs as they travel and get out and about.
We thank God for springtime for the spring flowers coming up in unexpected places.
We are sorry for waste and rubbish that is just thrown about, but we thank you for those who litter-pick and make our communities clean and tidy.
We pray for all those who are grieving, we pray your comfort and we pray for all those who work in bereavement services may they have empathy and gentleness.
We pray for our churches, we pray revival. Wake us up to be ready for growth. We are sorry our buildings are closed more than open as a place of worship, welcome, warmth and sharing your hope for the world.
We pray for those who work in retail especially supermarkets. We thank you for those who work in the food industry from farmers to marketing, to those serving late at night.
We praise you Father, look at that stunning new moon. We pray peace and prosperity over our towns and cities.
Finally we pray for the homeless, we pray they live well and don’t get drawn to theft or drugs. We pray for opportunities to share about you so more people have hope to live each day.
Yvonne Campbell