Yesterday we read an article from one of our young people thinking about their experience of church and what we, as church, could do to engage more with the next generation. Today I wonder if we can pray for some of the points raised there.
Let’s pray ...
Lord, we thank you for all the young people in our churches.
We pray for those who have been part of our fellowships since they were tiny and those we have met as they’ve grown.
We think of those who have drifted away from us and those we are unable to engage with, those who have come to have a faith and those who have decided to go in a different way.
We ask that we can be welcoming to people of all ages and that we will share your love with them.
Lord, we thank you for the contact with have with children in our community.
We pray for schools who visit us for special services and youth groups who use our buildings.
We think of those who read the posters on our walls giving message of the good news about Jesus, those who show an interest to learn more, those who think it’s all just boring and those who can’t see any point to it.
We ask that we can effectively communicate your Good News to those around us.
Lord, we thank you for people of all ages in our churches.
We pray that we can learn from one another and share together as we walk in God’s way.
We think about opportunities we have to worship and serve together, for growing and sharing together and for discovering more about God’s love.
We ask that we can rejoice in being part of the family of God.
Lord, we ask that you will inspire and guide us so that we can be your light and salt in our communities and the wider world. May we always be aware of your guiding and love in our lives.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Catherine Booton