How many times do you start a task, only to get fed up or find that you haven’t got what you need to finish what you started or that the job you took on is far bigger than anticipated? I’m guilty of all those things! I enjoy making things and over the years I have had more craft projects abandoned part way through than I dare to admit to, remaining unfinished until I have either thrown them away, or I have dismantled them to use the materials for another project. The reasons I have abandoned them have been numerous – I haven’t had the time, or I haven’t had the appropriate tools to complete the task; or I’ve gone wrong somewhere and haven’t had the concentration to backtrack and find the mistake. Sometimes it has been down to just not having enough patience to stick with it until it is finished, finding it too difficult to do. Saying that there have been many projects that I have started and seen through to completion. Most people will be able to relate to one or more of those reasons/excuses.
In contrast when God starts a task, he always sees it through from beginning to completion. He doesn’t get distracted or fed-up part way through. He doesn’t get bored, or impatient. He always has the tools he needs to complete what has been started, and however difficult it is he doesn’t give up.
When God sent His Son Jesus it was in the full knowledge of what the outcome would be, and unlike us he saw it through to completion. Jesus came, lived amongst us, died, was buried and rose again, ascending into Heaven.
“While he was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven, and they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy”. Luke 24:51
Today is Ascension Day, forty days after Jesus’ crucifixion. It’s the day that Jesus rose into heaven to be with his Father. As Christians we spend time recognising and celebrating Jesus’ birth, and at Easter we focus on his death, but do we give this day marking Ascension enough acknowledgement?
Some traditions celebrate with a procession of torches and banners, symbolising Christ’s journey to the Mount of Olives and His entry into heaven, ending in a feast or see it as an obligation and a day of prayer. Many do not acknowledge the day in any special way.
As a Christian how will you spend the day? Will prayer or Bible study be on your agenda? Will you attend a church service? Or do you have your own tradition that acknowledges the day?
Wherever you are and whatever you do today, make time to remember how much God gave us and give thanks that God gave us His Son for the forgiveness of our sins and he will live forever. Celebrate that, if nothing else on this Ascension Day.
Our Father, you gave us so much when you gave us your Son. To live and breathe amongst us. We don’t always remember the enormity of your sacrifice, preferring to forget. Forgive us.
When Jesus ascended into heaven we did not fully understand, though we try to understand the magnitude of what forever means. We ask you to continue to remind us, what forever actually means.
In your name we ask it, Amen.
Kathy Shaw