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Day 79 - I put my faith in God’s own Son

Writer's picture: Congregational FederationCongregational Federation

Hymn reflecting on the Repentant Criminal’s Future

One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into Your Kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

Luke 23 vv39-43 NIV

The repentant criminal crucified alongside Jesus is a person we might think of on Good Friday, but what happened afterwards?

We rightly focus on the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday, then it’s the Resurrection appearances, The Ascension and Pentecost in the 50 days following. We rarely think of that criminal again for another 12 months. But in today’s ASecludedPlace we will. Yes, he was a serious offender, rightly deserving death as he admits. He was one of the worst offenders, far ‘worse’ than most of us.

Yet Jesus offers him the same forgiveness and Paradise as He does to us today; “You will be with Me in Paradise.”

Now Paradise may or may not be identical to the full experience of Heaven itself. I have heard it likened to being in the Garden of Buckingham Palace but not yet in the House itself. That is only after the Second Coming.

But it is definitely with Jesus the King.

Also, how does Today fit in with the time Jesus was not yet Risen again, which was on the 3rd day?

Does the Resurrection of Jesus have eternal qualities which transcend our temporal days? That would give an understanding of how the Old Testament saints can be included in Jesus’ victory.

Anyway, we’ll let the theologians among us ponder those questions. I want to offer thoughts which can be a hymn or just a poem.

Anticipating Heaven – The Criminal’s Plea

10 9 10 9 8 8

Using each note from the Tune St Catherine (My Hope is built on Nothing Less – MP473)

I hung on my cross, deserving my fate,

His was unjust - because of their hate.

“Remember me Lord, on Your Kingdom’s Throne.”

“Soon We’ll be in My Paradise home.”

I put my faith in God’s own Son.

His promise:– Heavenly life begun.

He cried out, “Finished!”, then, next was His death.

They broke my legs, denying me breath.

Heaven my next sight, with Him there to greet.

Stunned by His face! -- I fell at His feet!

I am here with Him! His promise He kept!

Awash with thanks, I gratefully wept.

Changed and forgiven, He’s cured me from sin.

All by His grace; forever with Him.

So many saints here, rewarded and crowned.

Their faith held firm; their service was sound.

Kings, priests and judges they ever will be ...

He picked a crown and then called for me!

I look down on earth and wonder, “How long

before You, O Lord, will end all the wrong?”

All that I do Here completely fulfils.

My serving You eternally thrills.

I put my faith in God’s own Son.

His promise:– Heavenly life begun.

Oh! Put your faith in God’s own Son.

His promise:– Heavenly life begun!

The criminal only needed to express a repentance with faith to receive Jesus’ promise. That’s what Jesus asks of us too. Have you received His promise?

Ian Jones



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