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Day 44 - Great joy

Writer's picture: Congregational FederationCongregational Federation

Luke 2: 8-19

Mindfulness is achieved by focusing our awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting any feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations. It involves paying attention to what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment. They say that it is easy to stop noticing the world around us and to lose touch with the way our bodies are feeling and end up caught up in our thoughts. An important part is paying attention to the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the present moment, as they happen and accepting things as they are. In this way it differs from meditation. Apparently, living in this way and deliberately choosing to be more mindful can help us enjoy the world around us more and understand ourselves better. So in this moment of reflection perhaps we could gently bring to mind the subject for this week: JOY.

“Do not be afraid; for see - I am bringing you good news of great JOY for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” (vs 10 & 11).

Many people at the time were looking for a political leader to rescue them from the Roman occupation, others were looking for a Saviour to set them free from sickness and hardship. The good news of great joy for all people is of the Messiah, God's chosen One, who saves people from sin and death. In a moment of mindfulness today perhaps we could hear the angel's words resonate with us and allow ourselves to enter into the joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide (as translated in The Message). Whatever our circumstances today, may we, like Mary, take what is precious and enter into the joy of the good news “treasuring all these words and pondering them in our hearts” (vs 19).

A Prayer

Let us pray, with hearts filled with thanksgiving, to the God who loves us so completely. We pray that the joy and wonder of Jesus' presence may infuse our lives, so that the Good News may be spread throughout the world. We pray that all in authority may be filled with the wisdom and compassion of God. We pray that the lonely, the rejected and the isolated may have knowledge and confirmation of God's abiding warmth and love. We pray that families may be blessed with his everlasting joy, and all homes be filled with His peace.

Father, in wonder and adoration we offer our lives to you, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

[Susan Sayer, Gathered For Prayer, 1996, Kevin Mayhew Ltd]

Ruth Leeming


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