What do you hope for? Is it something physical, something you can go to a shop and buy, or make and own? Or is it something more intangible, like a feeling or something you are looking forward to? Are you hoping for a white Christmas (or a green one!)? Or perhaps your hope is for health, wealth or happiness?
As we enter the run up to Christmas, our families may well contain those young (and not so young!) who have hopes for what they might see under the Christmas tree in a month or so’s time. This might seem to be their main focus and I’m sure we have all heard about everything on their Christmas lists!
Today is often known as Cyber Monday – the Monday after the Thanksgiving celebration in the US, when people search out bargains online and the peak of the online pre-Christmas shopping purchases. Many hopes will be fulfilled today, as purchases of most wanted toys, clothes and other presents are made – even though it will be a short while until the recipients get their hands on the items.
But are these gifts? As much as we feel we want and need them, the answer to the most important, life-changing, long lasting hopes that we have? Of course not!
Today, on this Mindfulness Monday, I wonder if we can focus on a different hope. The hope that we have in Jesus, the light of the world, God’s own son, who we remember coming into the world as a helpless baby at this time of year and the hope we have that he will come again in glory.
So, let’s take some time today to focus on these two bible verses and to ask God to continue to give us the hope we need to watch and wait, to love and serve all to bring glory to him. Amen
“Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.” (Psalm 25:5 NLT)
“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13 NLT)
Catherine Booton