I followed a Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) along an M6 slip road, as we exited the motorway. Having checked my mirror, I noticed a car driving like the clappers in the right-hand lane. The traffic lights at the end of the slip road were red, all three of us stopped at the lights. As the lights turned red/amber the car driver cut in front of the HGV and sped off to the left. I calmly followed the HGV.
That is one perception of a traffic event. Another would be that this driver of a high-powered car, surveyed their exit from the motorway, spotted the right-hand side of the slip road was clear, and knowing how to handle this car, drove along the slip road at a reasonable speed for the vehicle and stopped at the red light without any alarm or squealing of brakes. As the lights changed the driver accelerated and turned left before an HGV had moved a few feet. Before you all complain, I accept that turning across another vehicle is wrong.
Here are two accounts of the same incident, but which is correct? Perhaps both are correct or perhaps both are wrong. Personally, I am thankful that all three drivers continued their journey without incident.
You see, sometimes you must take the uncongenial approach, especially if you feel the Lord leading you in that direction. Be aware (mindful) of the Holy Spirit leading you and be aware of how the Spirit is leading others. Remain in the spiritual moment and do not let your mind be diverted by earthly pressures. Also, remain vigilant.
We read about being alert/mindful in Judges 7:5-6, when God helps Gideon choose the soldiers he needs,
“So he [Gideon] brought his soldiers down to the water, and the LORD told Gideon, “You are to cull out everyone who laps up water with his tongue like a dog from everyone who kneels to drink.” The contingent of soldiers who lapped water with their hands to their mouths numbered 300 men, but everyone else kneeled to drink water.”
The soldiers mentioned in verse 6, remained alert and ready to fight. They probably kept their non-drinking hand on their swords for extra protection. They were both mindful and vigilant.
We too need to maintain that state of readiness and be ready to respond to prompting from the Holy Spirit, and to attacks from Satan. This not only applies on Sundays but every day of our lives.
Father, I pray for your help, assistance and guidance as I seek to live a life which brings glory to you. Help me to be alert to both my needs and to the needs of my brothers and sisters, as well as the needs of others. Help me to be alert to the prompts of the Holy Spirit, and ready to do your will. Amen.
Michael Rolton