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  • Writer's pictureCongregational Federation

Day Nineteen - Be a blessing to others

In the last few weeks the news has been filled with stories of the controversy in Parliament over second jobs held by MPs outside of Westminster. In one of the debates former Prime Minister Theresa May said government attempts to block the suspension of Owen Paterson were "misplaced, ill-judged and just plain wrong". A couple of MP’s voiced their concern that they did not think Mr Paterson received natural justice. In English law, natural justice is technical terminology for the rule against bias and the right to a fair hearing.

This got me thinking and it immediately brought to mind the story of Joseph from the book of Genesis. If there was ever a story about anyone who suffered injustice Joseph would be pretty high up the list. Betrayed by his own brothers and sold into slavery, accused of attempted rape and thrown into jail, providing the answer to a dream and then being forgotten. It must have been quite a life for Joseph!

But if there’s one thing that stands out in the story of Joseph it’s that he never complained or grumbled. Remember the image of Jonah sulking under the leafy shade of a tree? Or the people constantly complaining to Moses in the wilderness? You’ll not find the same thing with Joseph. Instead, we see that wherever he is, those around him are blessed. Joseph has been banished from his family and his home, but God is using him to be a light to the world.

In Genesis 39:5 it says: “At once the Lord began blessing Potiphar for Joseph’s sake. All his household affairs began to run smoothly, his crops flourished and his flocks multiplied.”

In Genesis 39:23 it says: “The chief jailer had no more worries after that, for Joseph took care of everything, and the Lord was with him so that everything ran smoothly and well.”

And we don’t even need to begin with the part of the story involving the Pharoah as we know how well that turned out!

If there is one lesson to be learnt from the story of Joseph then maybe it is be a blessing to others. How can we do that? Perhaps the words of Micah 6:8 sum it up about right: “He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God”

A prayer for hope

Loving and compassionate God,

Help us to see hope in the most desperate situations.

Help us to uphold the value of others in our words and actions.

Help us to see the potential you see in each of your children.

Help us to know and to respond to your guiding hand in our lives.


(Prayer from

Neil Chappell

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