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  • Writer's pictureCongregational Federation

Day Forty One - Let it begin with me

There are times for me when I take time out from my day to pray and my prayers come easily and they just seem to flow. Then there are other times when my thoughts and words are so jumbled up that nothing seems to make sense to me, and probably wouldn’t to anyone else! At these times, I am thankful that however muddled my words and thoughts are God will forgive me and understand.

At other times I need God’s help to be able to focus my mind. At these times I will sometimes turn to a written prayer, a poem, or even the words of a hymn or song to help to settle and focus my mind, helping me get started.

There are some beautiful prayers and poems available to us daily, and some of our hymns and songs are rich with prayer, so for my reflection on prayer this morning I am using the hymn Let there be peace on earth as its basis.

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me

Can you imagine a world where there was complete harmony and peace? Wouldn’t it be wonderful. But any chance of peace in the world has a starting point – me.

Lord, help me to understand the issues in my world that cause unrest, conflict and war.

Help me to look nearer to home where there are conflicts between family members and help me to do what I can to bring healing. Help me to play my part in making change and enabling peace, however small my contribution.

Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be

Lord, help me to understand the power imbalances that contribute to an unstable world, and help me to play my part in supporting those who are in a position to address those imbalances in the world and to make the world a fairer place where inequalities of wealth and power are re-addressed.

With God as our Father, we are family

Help me to see everyone as a brother or sister and to use this as a starting point to making changes. Help me to be fully there for others, not just when I feel like it, but all the time, and to go the extra mile when it’s needed.

Let me walk with each other, in perfect harmony.

Lord, help me to get alongside people, so that I better understand their lives, their issues, and how best to help them. Give me the insight and a willingness to do what I can to help make their situation better, and for them to know I care.

Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now

Lord, let me never forget that any change has to begin with me, and that I have a responsibility to do everything I can at any given time to understand and to act, and not to selfishly think only of myself.

With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow.

Lord, help me to be fully aware of my actions and the impact that those actions have on others. Help me to make a promise and a commitment and to follow it through.

Take each moment, and live each moment with peace eternally

Lord, help me to live in the moment, and to do the maximum I can in the time I have to bring about peace, in whatever way I can.

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

Lord, please help to bring peace to the whole of our world, not just in my world. Help those in authority to act for the good of all and help me to play my part. I know it’s a huge ask, but I also know you are a great God.

From your devoted servant. Amen.

(To sing the hymn too, visit

Kathy Shaw

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