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Life-Light 2020: A Boxing Day Bonus

The Bounty and the Snickers

This is one of my favourite Christmas songs, the only problem is that I totally disagree with my friend Paul who wrote and sang the song! My favourite sweets in the celebrations tin are the Bounty and the Snicker bars, maybe the fact that I love the nutty ones sums me up! But in life, what one person loves, often someone else isn’t as keen on!

When it comes to buying presents, I will often suggest something for someone and the look on Janice’s face tells me that I am way off the mark! Christmas cards - are you a traditional Nativity scene person, a Victorian village person, a Robin, Baubles or Santa and sleigh individual?

Do you prefer Turkey, Goose, Beef or the ‘Veggi’ option? Is it Christmas Pud and Custard (I like clotted cream with mine), or Sticky Toffee Pudding or Cheese and biscuits afterwards?

Are the presents opened first thing, through the day, or only after lunch and the Queen’s speech?

Traditions, likes and dislikes are all part of what makes Christmas what it is for us all, and even in this year of difficulty, I am sure we will all still be sticking to the way we like to do things.

At the first Christmas people didn’t like everything that happened! Joseph wasn’t overjoyed, when Mary told him she was pregnant. They were both dismayed when they were told they had to go to Bethlehem days before the baby was due. It got even worse when they found the only place for the baby to be born was the place where animals were kept.

Shepherds visited the child much to the dismay of the town’s folk. The Wise Men searched for the new king to worship, whereas Herod wanted to find him so that he could destroy him.

And I wonder if Jesus really enjoyed spending nine months in isolation and a few years totally dependant on two humans before He could impact humanity!

In the song, Paul sings that he wished that he had bought Hero’s for they are all quite nice!

But God wasn’t into ‘quite nice’, there is nothing mediocre about Him! God sent the very best, He came Himself in the person of Jesus because His love is so absolute that only the best will do for those He loves.

Happy Christmas

Vince Carrington

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