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  • Writer's pictureCongregational Federation

Day Forty Five - One thing that is constant

Advent and Christmas has always been a special time for me. It has been one of the times of year when I have felt close to God. But in recent years it has also been a time when I have felt under pressure to ‘be ready’. But ready for what?

To be honest often this time of year is not filled with ‘joy’ for me, as I often feel under pressure, as I frantically attempt to get everything done – present buying, food shopping etc. in between my usual work and commitments before I run out of days. Inevitably, some things get left undone. Last year my Christmas tree went up on Christmas Eve, and I almost gave up on it.

The lead up to Christmas usually involves me fitting in carol services, concerts and meals out with family and friends. Our family has always got together for Christmas so for me it has always been a time shared with family and friends, as well as a time to relax and re-charge my batteries.

As this year has progressed, we have had “A time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance;” Ecclesiastes 3:4

So, as we move through Advent towards Christmas, most of us are facing a very different Christmas than we have ever had or even imagined. This year for me I will hopefully be able to relax, but sadly time with family and friends will not be on the agenda, unless via a skype call or a telephone conversation.

But for all the differences this year I am moving through this time with a calmness that I have not felt for a long time and I was recently reminded of a couple of verses in Galatians, “By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things”. Galatians 5:22-23

I am particularly looking forward to experiencing the love, the joy and the peace of this special time of year, and sharing this with the fellowship at Padfield, Glossop for the first time. For lots of reasons I feel this will be a memorable time. There is the certainty of having confidence that Jesus Christ will be born and the certainty of knowing that He will come amongst us. The joy of knowing that certainty is enough for me. I am looking forward with anticipation and hope to the joy that God brings to us at Christmas.

I feel that one of the positives of this pandemic is that it has helped to peel away all the usual hype and pressure of Christmas. The restrictions have removed all the usual distractions, leaving me able to concentrate fully on what Advent and Christmas is truly about - the anticipation, the hope and the joy of the precious coming of our Lord Jesus. It has allowed me the time and the space to concentrate on what I believe, to work out what is important and to look forward to the joy that Jesus’ birth brings to our world. It has regenerated my faith. “The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and good news refreshes the body”. Proverbs 15:30

Whilst everything might have changed in the present moment there is one thing that is constant and that has not changed - the amazing birth of our Lord, who was born amongst us and came to earth to save us from our sins. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord.

Our Lord and Father, we can never thank you enough for giving us your son, you gave your all to us, and even though our all is never enough, we give all to you. Your faithful servant forever. Amen.

Kathy Shaw

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