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Day 95 - What is that to thee

Today`s lectionary gospel is John 21: 20-25. It is entitled “Jesus and the Beloved Disciple” in the NRSV. As I read the passage, I came across verse 22, “...what is that to you? Follow me,” which I heard in my head in the King James version of my childhood and early adulthood, “...what is that to thee? Follow thou me.”

It was a text I had heard preached upon many times, often with eloquence and passion, as faithful servants of God implored believers to take their eyes off others and fix them on Jesus. “Do not compare yourself, your discipleship or lack of it with others. Your aim,” the preacher would say, “is to follow Christ and not be distracted by what others are doing, or not doing.” Wise words, which have stayed with me down through the years. It isn’t always easy to follow such advice but our mental and spiritual health will be the better for it if we do.

I managed to find a hymn based on verse 22 by Johnson Oatman, author of such gospel classics as Count your blessings, Higher ground and There`s not a friend like the lowly Jesus, all part of the soundtrack of my early Christian life. Oatman, was born in New Jersey in 1856. His father was an excellent singer, and it always delighted the son to sit by his side and hear him sing the songs of the church. At the age of nineteen he joined the Methodist Episcopal Church and a few years later was licensed to preach the Gospel, followed by ordination. However Oatman only ever served as a local preacher.

While he may not have filled any particular pulpit, yet he preached daily to a larger congregation than the pastor of any church, for through the medium of sacred song he preached the Gospel to “all the world, and to every creature.”

Peter asked the Saviour, “What shall this man do?”

Standing on the shore of Galilee,

“I have got to suffer, will John suffer too?”

But He answered, “What is that to thee?”


What is that to thee, O what is that to thee,

There is work none can do but thee;

Never stop to ask what other`s work shall be,

Hear the answer, “What is that to thee?”

Jesus left a message to tell everyone,

Even those who live beyond the sea,

Do not stop to question if this should be done,

Hear the answer, “What is that to thee?”


Never wait for others when there`s work for you,

Listen to the voice from Galilee,

Do not ask like Peter, “What shall this man do”

Hear the answer, “What is that to thee?”


Nicodemus heard, “Ye must be born again”,

But he answered “How can these things be?”

Never question like him “how?” or “why?” or “when?”

Hear then answer, “What is that to thee?”


You must work for Jesus, you must watch and pray,

Hear his mandate “Rise and follow me”,

Do not stop and question, when He speaks, obey,

For He answers, “What is that to thee?”


Alan Kennedy

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