Happy Easter Monday! Hope you can enjoy some rest today.
This is the day the reality of the resurrection starts to slowly sink in.
Jesus is alive again things are never going to be the same.
I want us to reflect for a moment on Luke 24:35-49.
The two disciples from the road to Emmaus came rushing into the gathered disciples saying, “He’s alive, he’s alive we’ve seen him”. Then from nowhere Jesus himself appears in the middle of them! They think he’s a ghost, that he’s not real but he says, “Touch my hands I am real, I’m alive and ... I’m hungry can I have something to eat?”
What is on your mind today? Is there anything keeping you awake? What’s going on in your life that you are worrying or thinking about too much? What’s happening in the lives of your family? How is church? What are you facing this week? What have you heard in the news?
Let’s imagine Jesus in the middle of these situations.
Who is he standing with? What’s he saying to you or to others? How do you feel knowing Jesus is in the middle of all you face? How does Jesus change things?
The disciples faced a new life without Jesus but they were told to wait. They weren’t even told for how long, but what they waited for was worth it! The Holy Spirit, that lives in each one of us, is able to give us all we need in every situation.
Take time to meditate and perhaps memorise this verse to help you know Jesus at the centre of our lives.
“He (Jesus) saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.“
Titus 3:5 NLT
Yvonne Campbell