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Day 76 - God is working His purpose out

Writer: Congregational FederationCongregational Federation

At times of stress, I often turn to the words of both scripture and hymns to bring a sense of comfort. These days it is more acceptable to speak about mental health issues than in the past, but we still often take peace of mind for granted. That is, until something happens and as a result, we no longer have it. Only when our equilibrium is shaken do we realise that nothing can and should be taken for granted. Events recently brought it into the forefront of my mind.

Having lived in an inner-city area most of our lives my husband and I have seen many changes in the area we live in, many of which have not been for the better, including losing the stability of long-term neighbours and a move to being a more transient community. Many of you can probably relate to our experience when I say that we have gone from knowing all our neighbours to knowing very few and we have lost a sense of community.

We have also seen an increase of unknown youths on the streets, particularly in the evenings. Recently our house was targeted by a group of youths for no obvious reason, and after a week of harassment from them, with numerous police visits, it culminated in our front door being kicked off its hinges. It’s at times like this when you really appreciate the peace of mind you had previously enjoyed. But out of such trauma came something surprising and positive.

Often, we think that God isn’t there, that we have been abandoned and at these times we need reminding that God is there and He is working His purpose out, even when it doesn’t seem obvious or in a way that we would like.

“Rejoice always, praying without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

That night we learnt a lot about our neighbours. The ones who we have known for many years - and who we have been there for when something had gone wrong - they were nowhere to be seen, and the ones who rallied to help were the newer neighbours, young ones with families, some of whom we knew only to say hello to. They were there almost immediately with offers of help and much needed practical and moral support, even going to search and find the culprits, and put the door back on its hinges again, and their support has continued since with regular knocks on our door to check that we are okay.

“We know that all things work together for good for those who love god, who are called according to His purpose”.

Romans 8:28

It’s easy for us to forget that God has the bigger picture. He knows what we need and when we need it, and that night we learnt a valuable lesson – one of humility and thankfulness, as well as forgiveness and understanding. So often we are quick to condemn change as a bad thing. The young are often berated. Yet out of this bad situation has come something far more precious – the start of a sense of community again, which even Covid couldn’t ignite, and hope for a better future.

Kathy Shaw


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