This is an excellent resource for a small group or gathering with children and young people. It is best to have a selection of totally random pictures, postcards, or cards in general. Avoid ones with words. I have used them in schools, with church groups and local clergy leaders.
Gather together around 150 to 200 photographs on a table or large floor area.
(Photographs can be obtained royalty free from Unsplash or other free image websites - please acknowledge source. You can also get prints free from ‘freeprints’ up to 45 prints per month, you just pay postage.)
Spend about 5 minutes walking around looking at the photographs, encourage them not to pick them up at this stage.
Now as individuals, in pairs or as a group of 3 or 4 choose some pictures that illustrate the following:
• A picture expresses how they are feeling at the moment.
• A picture that makes them happy.
• A picture that makes them sad.
• A picture that expresses power, teamwork, hope, love.
• A picture that allows them to think of others.
• A picture that helps you think about trust.
Find a space within the room to talk to one another about their choices and pictures.
This should be a quiet reflective time, once they have chatted about their choices, they may wish to return the photograph to the table/floor allowing others to choose.
You may also wish to play some quiet reflective music in the background.
Gracious God, all around us are pictures that tell stories, special moments, treasured memories. Help us today to discover your way as we look, seek, and find. Amen.
Peter Thomas