As I sit and write this reflection I am thinking about all of the other things I have on my To-do list. I tell you what, I will never be lonely as my To-do list will always keep me company, pretty much like the washing basket in some of our homes, I am sure.
I am currently 26 weeks pregnant and all being well I am due to have my first baby in May 2024 and as such I am preparing for all of the eventualities. One of those is a caesarian section and I was thinking what song would I like my baby to hear (if I have a choice). Well, I would like it to be a song that reflected my love for the Lord, a song that reflected my love for them and a promise to them. And then one morning as I was scrolling through Instagram and updating my stories I heard this song. No, it isn’t a new song but I really liked it. So I started to research the meaning and the sentiment behind the origin of the song.
The Chorus goes:
Oh, baby, I'm gonna love you forever
Forever and ever amen
As long as old men sit and talk about the weather
As long as old women sit and talk about old men
If you wonder how long I'll be faithful
I'll be happy to tell you again
I'm gonna love you forever and ever
Forever and ever, amen.
So where does the reflection of my faith come into this? Well the writers Don Schlitz and Paul Overslade composed this in a couple of hours as Don’s son was learning the Lord’s Prayer and was going round saying “forever and ever amen”. Every night after saying his prayers the little boy would look at his mum and say “Mommy I love you forever and ever Amen.” So Don Schlitz contacted Paul Overslade and said we have to write this song.
The song has many hidden meanings in it and has helped a young girl who had lost her hair due to cancer treatment as she refused to play outside due to being embarrassed by not having her hair any longer.
“But honey, I don't care, I ain't in love with your hair
And if it all fell out, well, I'd love you anyway”
Going back to the chorus of this song, I feel that the Lord tells us all the time that he is going to love us forever, no matter what. Even when we are unfaithful and we disappoint him he remains faithful to us and still no matter what welcomes us back with open arms and says, “I'm gonna love you forever and ever, forever and ever, amen.”
Lord, there are so many times when we must disappoint you, betray you and hurt you. Yet you forgive us and welcome us back into your life with open arms and say you forgive us and you love us. Lord, we only have to look around us to realise how loved we really are by you. Lord, even when we face trials and temptations you remain by our sides never forsaking us, never leaving us and continuing to love us. Lord, help us to be like you, love ourselves and each other, forever and ever, and remain faithful even when times are hard. Amen.
Verity Almond