I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. - Psalm 139:14
One of my favourite BBC programmes is the Repair Shop. It is a programme where people bring in all kinds of items and objects that have a specific meaning to them, to have them repaired or restored. When the Repair Shop team come together and put the talents they have been given into action, the results are outstanding.
Psalm 139 is a wonderful psalm and verse 14 tells us a lot. It is a psalm that praises God. God created the psalmist who wrote it, as well as each one of us and made us the way we are and for a specific purpose. Understanding that, we can have peace in whatever ailments or problems life throws at us. When you begin to understand the greatness of this verse you can be liberated from so many negative things that keep you from serving God. However, we should not try to live our lives in service to God based on what other people think we should do. Firstly, we learn what God’s will for our life is and when we know what that is and obey it, then you will have great joy in serving the God who made you and chose you for that special job.
Verse 14 uses the word ‘fearfully.’ That is the same word that is used when the Bible talks about the fear of the Lord and it means to have a respect and reverence for God. We ought to be thankful and honour God for the body and life He has given us, for God does not just drop people into this world without regard for their needs and situations. He does care for us and in return we ought to be thankful for what He has given us.
The word ‘wonderfully’ means to be distinct or unique, the verse does say that God made you special and has a special purpose and plan for your life. We often hear people speaking about God’s will and how we ought to do it, but sometimes people we get confused as to what that will is. Regardless of how we look at things, the fact is, God’s will is perfect and when you are doing it, you will absolutely love doing His will.
When we rest in the Lord then He will give you the desires of your heart and if you delight in Him, then He will give you the right desires. When you have the right desires then He will fulfil those desires in you. When you do His will, then what you crave, or desire, most is to please Him. God has created you in such a way that you will have passions and desires that are unique to you. What you find pleasure from doing, will be very different than what gives me great pleasure.
When I finally understood this, it was liberating. I no longer had to live like other people wanted me to, I only need to live like God wants me to. That means obeying His Word and trusting Him to lead me.
Enjoy your day!
Tom Bonnar