I will tell of the kindnesses of the LORD, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the LORD has done for us.
Isaiah 63:7
Isaiah 63 is a popular chapter for an end of year service, when we look back and reflect on what God has done for us. It is good to look back, but not to stay there, for the aim and direction is to look forward, to the new challenges.
Remember is an important word in the Bible. For example, before the people crossed over the Jordan River into the Promised Land, Moses urged them to remember who gave them the land in the first place. Before Christ died on the cross, he gave his disciples a symbol of his sacrifice and said, "This do in remembrance of me." We use this phrase when we come to the Lord’s table.
Over Christmas my wife and I visited our niece and her husband and it was the most wonderful experience just to chill out and see their kids in their own environment. I was intrigued by the hamster they have in a cage. I watched it climb onto the wheel and began to run quite fast. All of a sudden, the hamster stopped for a break, came away from the wheel and began to explore the cage looking for a way to escape. One of the kids remarked, “Yes it wants out now!” So they gently took the hamster from the cage and placed it a clear plastic ball, especially made for hamsters. The hamster took off at great speed in no particular direction in mind. It would stop for a moment to get its breath back, then off it would go again. Very soon, however, it became exhausted and stopped a while until it regained its energy, then away it went again in another direction.
In our efforts to fill churches, we come up with new ideas and ways to bring people in and I’m reminded of the hamster and the rate it travelled round the living room before it stopped for breath. The Evil One likes to keep us busy even in church work and when we do too much, everything stops. We can become too busy and when that happens something else equally important suffers. It is difficult to concentrate on what God wants you to do as an individual and as a church when you are too busy. We can speak to God no bother but can’t hear what he is saying to us when you are on the go all the time. We need to be still and spend time with God every day.
Isaiah mentioned God's "great goodness," which God expresses according to his compassion and loving kindness. The hymn writer, Johnson Oatman, said, "Count your blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
Isaiah painted a beautiful word picture of the love of God. He hurts when we hurt, he sends his angel to help us, and he even picks us up and carries us. Thank you, Lord, for your blessings on me.
Tom Bonnar