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Day 55 - When I look at the night sky

Writer's picture: Congregational FederationCongregational Federation

It’s Mindfulness Monday!

O Lord, our Lord, the majesty of your name fills the earth!

Your glory is higher than the heavens …

When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers –

The moon and the stars you have set in place –

What are mortals that you should think of us,

Mere humans that you should care for us?

You put us in charge of everything you made,

Giving us authority over all things –

The sheep and the cattle

And all the wild animals,

The birds of the sky, the fish in the sea,

And everything that swims in the ocean currents.

O Lord, our Lord, the majesty of your name fills the earth!

(From Psalm 8)

It is important and beneficial for us to take time out of our busy schedules and ground ourselves for even just a short time in the present. Not thinking about what we have to do but being aware of this present moment and what we have right now. So let us put aside all thoughts of what will be, what could be, what should be, what may be, what must be and give praise to our God for “the works of his fingers” and how the majesty of his name “fills the earth” (as in the words of Psalm 8).

You might have 5 minutes free or be able to spend several hours for a personal retreat but there are many ways we can be still in God’s presence in the time that we have:

• Sit in a quiet room in a comfortable chair

• Order a coffee in a favourite café

• Go for a ramble (countryside or city streets)

• Walk in woodland or forest

• Sit beside water (pond, river, sea)

• Listen to a blackbird singing in the treetop

• Listen to worship music

• Spend an hour in the garden or allotment

• A walk with the dog

• Go for a bike ride

... virtually anywhere.

Psalm 8 suggests contemplating the moon and stars and being drawn into prayer and praise from there. Perhaps we should save our mindful moment for a clear evening and spend some time gazing at the night sky pondering the beautiful moon, stars and galaxies above, asking the question, “What are mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that you should care for us?” But thank you, Lord, that you do! I always like to know where the moon is, whether shining in the sky or out of sight and never tire of its beauty. The app on my phone tells me that on this day it should be a waning crescent of 10% rising at 5.30 am! We can be thankful for the moon and stars “you have set in place” and be at peace in the knowledge that God is in control of everything as He always has been. He was King of the universe then and still is now.

There will be time to be busy, to evangelise and speak to others about our faith, time to be out in the community helping and caring. But we shouldn’t miss the opportunity to step aside and take a moment to be alone with Jesus to draw strength, courage, peace, and all we need, from Him. Breathe in His power, might and love for us and His world and praise Him because “the majesty of your name fills the earth”. We can be thankful too remembering His peerless victory over sin and death through the events we have celebrated this Easter.

A prayer by David Cole

Lord Jesus, resurrected & conquering hero, may my soul seek a kingdom away from the world’s ways, making it more akin to the ways of heaven. May my soul seek your kingdom, and may it find rest there. Amen.

Ruth Leeming


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