[Persons needed: narrator (N), 7 disciples (D1, D2, etc), one hidden voice (HV). Use the tune of Suzanne Toolan’s I am the Bread of Life (Complete Mission Praise 261) verse only.]
N: The disciples were stunned. Their world had been turned upside down yet again. They had followed Jesus because they believed he was the longed-for Messiah, but… One of them tried to lift the spirits and, as dusk fell, he lit seven candles and suggested that they all remember those times when Jesus said: “I am the…” But that only made it worse.
HV sings: I am the bread of life;
D1 sings: But I don’t believe what he told us.
I can’t believe his words anymore
You all saw what happened
Jesus and our dreams are shattered. (D1 snuffs out a candle)
HV sings: I Am the Light of the World
D2 sings: But we are now living in darkness
The shadows are all around
They make me doubt my name
Let alone all the things he told us. (D2 snuffs out a candle)
HV sings: I Am the gate for the sheep
D3 sings: But now all our paths seem blocked off
We’re milling around like sheep
Like sheep without a shepherd
Like sheep without a way out. (D3 snuffs out a candle)
HV sings: I Am the Good Shepherd
D4 sings: But his rod and his staff are missing
We’re open to thieves and wolves
We have no-one to protect us
Who can we get to protect us? (D4 snuffs out a candle)
HV sings: I Am the resurrection,
and I am the life
D5 sings: But what does that mean?
How does one return from Sheol?
How can we climb out of the pit? (D5 snuffs out a candle)
HV sings: I Am the way, truth, and life
D6 sings: But his words all seem like lies now
How can we follow the way?
We don’t know where we’re going…
And death is all around us. (D6 snuffs out a candle)
HV sings: I Am the true vine
D7 sings: But the grapes have all gone sour
Any wine made from these grapes
Wouldn’t be worth drinking.
We are not worth grafting ... (D7 snuffs out a candle)
Elaine Kinchin