“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honoured by every nation. I will be honoured throughout the world.”
Psalm 46:10 New Living Translation
Psalm 46 is a tremendous Psalm to read, but the verse that jumps out at me is probably verse 10, “Be Still and know that I am God”. The Psalms are a favourite book in the bible, for no matter how you are feeling, or the circumstances you find yourself in, there is a verse somewhere in that book to meet your situation. The writer of Psalm 46 wants people to understand that it doesn’t matter what we face in life, God is greater.
Someone once wrote: “The greater the things we face in life, the less we can deal with them”. The message for us really is, we are to stop fighting in our strength and allow God to take His rightful place.
You don’t need me to tell you that life goes at a fair rate of knots, and we can quite easily become too busy through no fault of our own. Whilst it is ok to be busy, we need also to listen to our own bodies and what they say we can or can’t do. It is when we don’t listen to our bodies that the fun starts and we lose control of things.
If we read deeper into Psalm 46, we find the theme of the Psalm is the greatness of God and His power to deliver us from things that are beyond our abilities. We are to stop fighting in our strength and surrender to Him who will help us fight our battles. Our human strength cannot match God’s strength, and it is pointless to fight when we could leave the matter in God’s hands.
There are a few ways we can interpret the “Be Still” part of the verse. We can be still for a moment, meaning a pause in our busy lives, to catch our breath. We can also be still in God’s presence for when that happens and we speak to God, we can also hear Him speak to us. Be still and ‘know’ that I am God means to become acquainted with Him, getting to know Him better and that is a good idea. God knows every situation and what is on every person’s heart which suggests to me the sooner you let go and let God handle the challenge or problem, the sooner you will feel lighter. Problem is, though, that letting go is scary stuff, for it means letting go of control and no one wants to be out of control, but you can’t control everything. You can’t control outcomes. You have to let it go and when you do that the whole situation changes.
Looking back on Sunday School days when we sang the chorus:
Let Go and Let God Have His Wonderful Way,
Let Go and Let God Have His Way;
Your Burdens Will Vanish, Your Night Turn To Day,
Let Go and Let God Have His Way.
Enjoy your day.
Tom Bonnar