If, like me, you are a regular listen to The Archers, you will be aware of an ongoing storyline about Alice Archer who is a recovering alcoholic. Her addiction has impacted on her life and those around her greatly but recently has (with huge support from family, friends and professional help) begun to pull through and manage the addiction. However, following the sudden death of her mother and her valiant attempts to pull her father and the family together, Alice reached crisis point and felt the urge to drink. Alice turned to her mentor (also a recovering alcoholic) who gave some straight advice which on the surface seemed rather brutal in the circumstances. Although her mentor empathised with Alice’s situation, given she was in mourning, she encouraged Alice not to wallow in self-pity which could lead to her drinking again but to keep up with her recovery programme which included keeping a daily list of things to be thankful for. This type of therapy would then divert attention away from self-pity she was feeling and dependency on a drink to get her through the day and the stressful time she was encountering.
This storyline reflects the reality of many – be it an unhealthy dependency (like Alice) or struggles people face daily in life big or small. To be thankful each day for something or someone can change mood, wellbeing and mental health. This in turn can not only benefit the individual in finding a coping mechanism but impact on the lives of others and be a comfort and support to those around.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things. Philippians 4:8
As we progress through Lent, let us each take time each day to be thankful for all that God has given us – it maybe something as insignificant as that first cup of tea in the morning or the emergence of spring blossom. When we are thankful for everyday gifts from God then this can make us more giving and mindful of the needs of others – rejoicing in the good things and being supportive when life takes a difficult turn. I know its somewhat cliched but the idiom, ‘every cloud has a silver lining’ has much resonance here. When we look for the good things in life, those daily treasures that God gives us each day however big or small, help us to overcome or at least cope with the difficulties and challenges of life.
So, what can you be thankful for today?
Light of light,
Lord of Lords,
God of this world
and the next,
We give you thanks
for the promise of this day,
We give you thanks
for the challenge of this day,
We give you thanks
for the blessings of this day.
Light of light,
Lord of Lords,
God of this world
and the next,
We give you thanks
Cathryn Clarke