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  • Writer's pictureCongregational Federation

Day 73 - Prayer for today

So, why is the prayer box blank? Well, I do not know your circumstances, your problems, your health, your church, your friends, your family, those related to you, and everything else you pray for and about. It would be supremely arrogant of me to suggest one prayer which could address your needs. But God can help you. Not only has he promised to do so (Psalm 121), but he has sent his comforter, his Holy Spirit.

So, what are you praying about today? I would hope you have found some room to pray for our National Assembly, but what exactly? Are you praying for council members, the outgoing President, the new President, the new President-elect, Federation staff, Committee members, Church representatives, or attendees? And are you praying for wisdom in decision making, peacemakers, or simply a lovely Assembly? I enjoy having lists of people and situations to pray for, but I also allow a free time to let the Holy Spirit guide my prayers. I additionally embrace quietness, so I can listen to God.

Although I could not provide a general prayer for all, ‘Our Father’ already has this covered with the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6. However, this prayer can become so familiar that it almost sounds like a mantra, and we forget to both listen to the words and to reflect on their meaning. I have, therefore, chosen the Lord’s Prayer from Luke 11. Think of this as a speed-dial version, for the busy lives we live. Also, being quite a succinct passage, you will be encouraged to read the words and reflect accordingly.


Luke 11:2b-4 (NIV)

‘Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.

Give us each day our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.

And lead us not into temptation.

Call to action

Finally, there is no substitute for the real thing. So, I encourage each one of you to continue praying. Do it now and pray often. Just let the Holy Spirit guide and comfort you.

Anon (Name and address supplied)

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