As usual, and this year is no different, I am late buying and writing my Christmas cards. My excuse this time is that I have been struggling to find cards that have a nativity scene on them as there seems to be a lack of them in the shops this year.
It’s the time of year that I also feel guilty as I write words of love that another year has gone by and the friends that I meant to contact throughout the year are hearing from me for the first time since last Christmas! My only excuse is that there never seems to be enough time in a day, and as I write them a message, I hope that they understand and know that despite my failings they are in my thoughts often and I do love them.
But my love falls short. Its inconsistent, weak at times, and is prone to distractions. It isn’t absolute – perfect.
Only God’s love can be described as complete.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. John 3:16
We all like to think that we will live as we do now for ever, but the everlasting life that God is talking about is a life full of the most perfect love and everlasting life with Him, not in this world, but in the next, when we join Him in heaven, where everything is perfect. A fantastic thought at this time of year when we are thinking about ‘new life’ (the new life of His precious Son, Jesus). To consider our own ‘new life’ of everlasting love.
As we live our earthly life see it as a ‘trial run’, a practice. Practice makes perfect. Remember that God knows that we are flawed, He knows our shortcomings, and that despite all our intentions we are not perfect. He knows that we don’t fully understand. Unlike my love, God’s love never wavers. Thank goodness! His love is as strong today as it was all those years ago. It’s strong, consistent, never-ending, unconditional, whatever the time of year. He gave us his all and continues to give us His all. He loves us, and the world around us that much that He came amongst us and lived amongst us to show us the way that He wanted us to live our lives. The most perfect role model. Something to aim for despite our failings.
Time after time we fail Him, we let Him down, we fall short of what He would want for us. Yet He never gives up on us. He lovingly picks us up again, sets us back on track, and continues to help us find the way to go.
God shows us the way and tells us that in order to know eternal, everlasting life we need to follow Him, not making time once a year when we are feeling festive, but day after day throughout the year.
A challenge for us all. So, this festive season take some time out of the hustle and bustle of the celebrations to consider God’s love, to feel His presence and to soak up His love.
Kathy Shaw