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  • Tom Bonnar

Day Twenty Two - God's time

He will be great, be called ‘Son of the Highest.’

The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David;

He will rule Jacob’s house forever— no end, ever, to his kingdom.”

Luke 1: 32-33

I once sat on an interview panel grilling candidates for a job. Out of all those who appeared for interview there was one character that had all the qualifications and glowing reports that suited him for the post, but there was something about him that didn’t click with me. The other two on the panel thought I’d lost it when I informed them I wasn’t sure about this person at this stage. During the tea break I spoke away to the tea lady and on the passing she asked “Well how did John get on” I obviously couldn’t answer her question but did know to whom she was referring, but she then followed on with another statement. “I know this person, have done since he started in the company; I’ve seen his dedication to the job. He will be great and will go to the top of his profession and will bring the company up there as well”. The lady showed a hidden love for this person and knew what he was capable of. She could see something in him.

Zechariah and Elizabeth were delighted they were having a child, a son as well and they even had a name for him. Zechariah though didn’t have a lot to say before the birth because we read in verses 19-20 the reason. But the angel said, “I am Gabriel, the sentinel of God, sent especially to bring you this glad news. But because you won’t believe me, you’ll be unable to say a word until the day of your son’s birth. Every word I’ve spoken to you will come true on time — God’s time.”

Hang on a minute, wasn’t the same true about the birth of the Son of God. Everything was in God’s time. This still applies today for His timing is never early, never late, He is always on time. He only wants what is good for us, because He loves us. This Christmas then as we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, let us show the love to others that He has shown us for Love Changes Everything.

He rules the world with truth and grace,

And makes the nations prove,

The glories of his righteousness,

And wonders of his love

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