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  • Vince Carrington

Day five - future and hope


It’s Monday morning after a weekend where my all hopes were dashed!

I had hoped that Wales would beat South Africa I had hoped that West Ham would beat Sheffield Utd, I had hoped that Wiveliscombe RFC would beat Wells and I might get to play part of the match

Sadly, Wales lost, West Ham drew and the Wivvy game was called off due to bad weather.

None of these things matter in the big scheme of things, the world won’t stop because Wales lost, West Ham can do better next time and it has already stopped raining on our rugby pitch!

Mary had been given the incredible news that she was carrying God in her body, but Joseph freaked out when she told him. In one moment, all her hopes hit a wall. Joseph could have divorced her, he could have even had her put to death, but God intervened and she was able to declare His praises.

One of my favourite go to verses is Jeremiah 29:11 –

“For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope!”

When I put my hope in things that are not God’s plans, I am not doing anything particularly wrong, but I can never be sure that my hopes will be met.

Yet when I put my hope in God’s plan for my Salvation and my ongoing service, I know that nothing will stop His plans from coming to fruition. My future is secure and my hope is sure!

What are you putting your hope in today?

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