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Day 9 - Togetherness

Writer: Congregational FederationCongregational Federation

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28).

Christians throughout the world are bound together through the inextricable bond of Christ. This is never more obvious than on a Lord’s Day. For each Sunday millions around the globe gather. Varied people, on all continents, at varying longitude, time difference, latitude, and climate. As we gather, our brothers and sisters in Christ also gather. May we span the globe in light and love. One can almost feel the power.

Here at Clarendon Park Congregational Church we form part of a local ecumenical group, the South Leicester Christian Partnership (SLCP). As a group, what we try to do is look past traditional identifiers and differences, and instead concentrate on our gifts. We then try to pool our gifts for the good of all. We are a diverse bunch, but diversity in itself is of no benefit. It is worthless unless we come together in unity. For us, the unity is through Christ. When in Christ, then it is the difference that strengthens our group. The strength of ten clones is that of one, the strength of ten diverse individuals working alone is not much better, but that of ten diverse individuals working together is limited only by the imagination and endeavour of their minds. So, let us embrace our differences, and let us see them as just that, difference, not a hierarchy or ladder, not one better than another, but different. Let us then come together in Christ. As at the incredible gathering at the fateful Pentecost documented by Luke in Acts, may language not be a barrier. Nor gender. Nor race. Instead let us come together as God’s children in Christ. If we do this no one, no one, will ever be able to take away our love; our hope will build, and we shall move forward in unity.

Let us remember the words, ‘Save yourselves from this corrupt generation’ (Acts 2:40b). ‘From this corrupt generation’ ... words written two millennia ago. Some things don’t change. Today, governments and the media are pulling people apart. For their own gain they are placing people on one side or another. Marxist or fascist. Utter pacifist or warmonger. Polar opposites, when the truth is that most of us sit somewhere in the middle. This is going on around the world. The few making decisions to further themselves, instead of lifting others.

What do we have in common with millions of people throughout the world? I would say the most important bond of all. That of Christ. We can share love and share resources. We can dream a dream of a unity formed of ties of love and compassion.

At a local level, this challenges us not only to reflect on the learning from our ecumenical journey so far, but to widen our vision. The SLCP consists of churches of different behaviours and traditions, composed of individuals of wildly differing views. But we come together as one. This is not always easy. For example, as one growing up to be, to say the least, wary of those of the Roman Catholic faith, it made the joy of our recent Community Carol Service all the deeper seeing the contributions of those from St. Thomas More. Differences can be overcome. But to do so we all need to put aside our preconceptions and instead of looking at the difference in others, look at the commonality.

So how far should we look, how much further should we expand our vision of togetherness?

All I will say is that Christ has shown us the way. He taught us that young can sit with old. Black with white. Congregationalist with Catholic. He showed us that ‘there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus’ (Galatians 3:28). We are all children of God. Let us all appreciate and celebrate our diverse gifts and share them in togetherness. Only then can we move forward together in unity and strength.

All of this in the name of our Saviour, Christ Jesus, who dwells among us, and loves us all. Amen.

Gwyn Davies



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