We are in the process of sorting out, tidying and clearing out our Sunday School room. I noticed some books on prayer. Jesus said: This is the truth: unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matt 18:3 The Voice) I gleaned these “prayers for children”, which are simple and direct – perhaps how Jesus expects us to be.
Opening prayers:
• Let us with a gladsome mind, praise the Lord for he is kind; for his mercies shall endure, ever faithful, ever sure. (John Milton)
• Most merciful redeemer, friend and brother, may we know thee more clearly, love thee more dearly and follow thee more nearly, now and ever. (St Richard of Chichester)
• Dear God, this new day is like a clean page in a book. Help me to fill it with the beauty of kind words, helpful actions and unselfish thoughts, and may I not spoil it with ugly and unkind deeds. (Phyllis Lovelock)
A prayer upon reading the Bible:
Lord, here is my Bible, here is this quiet room; here is this quiet time and here am I.
Open my eyes; open my mind; open my heart; and speak. (Dick Williams)
Prayers for forgiveness:
• Lord Jesus Christ, we confess to you now, the wrong things we have done,
the wrong words we have said and the wrong in our hearts.
Please forgive us and help us to live as you want us to. (Christopher Idle)
• Forgive me for the angry words I didn’t mean to say.
Forgive me for the fit of sulks that spoiled a happy day.
Forgive me for the muddle that I left upon the floor,
The tea I wouldn’t eat, the hasty way I slammed the door.
Forgive me for my selfishness and all my little sins,
And help me to be better when another day begins. (Kathleen Partridge)
Prayers of thankfulness:
Lord, thank you for every new good morning, thank you for every fresh new day,
Thank you that I may cast my burdens, wholly on to you.
Thank you for every friend I have Lord, thank you for everyone I know,
Thank you when I can feel forgiveness, to my greatest foe.
Thank you for leisure and employment, thank you for every heartfelt joy,
Thank you for all that makes me happy, and for melody
Thank you for every shade and sorrow, thank you for comfort in your Word
Thank you that I am guided by you, everywhere I go.
Thank you for grace to know your gospel, thank you for all your Spirit’s power,
Thank you for your unfailing love, which reaches far and near.
Thank you for free and full salvation, thank you for grace to hold it fast,
Thank you, O Lord I want to thank you, that I’m free to thank. (M G Schneider)
Prayers for others:
Dear Lord Jesus, the fire engine went by today, sounding its sirens, on its way to a fire, or an accident. We thank you for the firemen who put the needs of others before their own; who bravely risk their own lives to rescue others. We pray for those who have lost homes in a fire or relatives in a road accident. And we pray for ourselves that we may not, by any carelessness, put others at risk. (Graham Salmon)
“And all the people said Amen” Matt Maher.
Elaine Kinchin