Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Matthew 6:26
Where we live in the South of Scotland is on the flight path for the geese flying to Caerlaverock National Nature Reserve. It is amazing watching them fly. Geese fly in a ‘V’ formation which not only helps them save energy but also allows them to fly long distance which can be over 600 miles in a single day. You normally hear the flock long before you see them due to the constant, encouraging honk from the other birds in the flock. Even with their night flying the sound they make to encourage each other is amazing.
It is interesting to watch them and how it appears to work is that the bird in the front breaks up the wall of air that the flock flies into, which leaves a wake of swirling air behind, and this helps give a lift to the next bird along. Operating in this manner means, each bird in the V formation gets some help from the one in front of it. After a while, the leader begins to tire and drops back and another bird immediately takes over.
Perhaps there is a lesson here for us, which is to empower others to also lead. In life micro-managing and keeping tight control on every part will burn you out. It will also disengage and demotivate others around you. People have unique skills, capabilities, and gifts to offer. We need to give them a trust and a chance to shine, for we are often surprised at the outcomes.
With the geese, experienced flyers usually do most of the work and they make it look so easy. Seeing them in action makes it appear like a large family on the move, even to the extent, if one goose becomes injured or takes ill in flight and has to land, a few family members drop out of the formation as well and will escort the sick goose to the ground and will stay there until the bird either dies or makes a full recovery. When the injured bird is ready to fly again, they all head off and will join the next flock as it comes along.
There is lesson for us here as well, which is to stand by each other in difficult times. It’s easy to always be part of winning teams, but when things get difficult and people are facing challenges, that’s when your teammates need you the most. Paul reminds us in Galatians 6:2 (NKJV) to “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ”.
Sometimes we forget that God has made everything well. The birds glorify him by being exactly what he created them to be and doing exactly what he created them to do. The same should go for us. We are made to work, but we are not meant to worry. God feeds the birds of the air as they fulfil their own purpose to God’s glory, and he will do the same for us.
Enjoy your day.
Tom Bonnar