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Day Seventy One - Help us to undo bad habits

Do you remember what you were doing on April 22nd 1970? I don’t. Whatever I was doing obviously didn’t include watching news programmes that week because, according to Wikipedia, over 20 million people took part in the largest single day of protest in human history.

Peace activist John McConnell, at a UNESCO conference in 1969, suggested that a day be set aside to honour the Earth. He proposed 21st March and the idea was backed by UN Secretary General U Thant. McConnell’s ideas got mixed into those of Senator Gaylord Nelson, who wanted a national teach-in on the environment on April 22nd. This event was named Earth Day and it started with that record-breaking day of protest. This year, 51 years later, world leaders are still nibbling at the edges of the vast amount that needs to be done.

It is more than remembering to separate recyclable plastics and to take reusable bags when we go to the shops. It means that certain industries are going to suffer – and no government likes to tangle with big business. Air flights need to be strictly regulated – we have learned over the last year that Zoom and other platforms mean we can link up with people without polluting. Or can we?

I’ve put on a jumper rather than click the thermostat up. I have made soup with some leftover vegetables. I turned off the tap after wetting my toothpaste – I only turned it back on to spit and rinse two minutes later. But all that good work is undone by what I am doing now.

1.3 billion people own a personal computer; each PC uses about 750 kilowatts per annum – a fridge uses about 500 in that time.

EMAILS USE AS MUCH CO2 GLOBALLY AS 7,000,000 EXTRA CARS. My carbon footprint is increased by 136kg of CO2 just by sending and receiving emails. It was estimated that if everyone in France deleted fifty old emails, that would equate to turning off 2.7 million light bulbs for one hour.

Let us all decide to delete unwanted emails and spam daily – storing emails costs the earth!

Let’s unsubscribe to stuff that is no longer useful. It’s one small step for us – one great leap for the Earth.

Heavenly Father, you created our world and called it good. What have we done to it, both knowingly and unwittingly? Forgive us our careless stewardship of this Earth’s resources. Help us to undo bad habits and stop us relying on science to mop up our mistakes.

Jesus, our Redeemer, the world you lived on was small in comparison. And technology has enabled us to view the Earth as small once more. I can talk to my “neighbours” in Australia; I can see my friends in Africa; I can chat to colleagues around the world – but at what price?

Holy Spirit, we no longer know what is right. Guide us every day to make the correct decisions, in accordance with your will for ourselves, for the whole human race and for this planet that is our home. Amen.

Elaine Kinchin


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